Steam Trap Valve
Home >Product > Steam Trap ValvePneumatic Bellows Sealed Steam Trap Valve
Designand Manufacture:ASME B16.34
Face-to-facedimension:ASME B16.10
Endconnection:Butt welded ASME B16.25;
Socket welded ASME B16.11,
Flange ASME B16.5
Pressure-temperature:ASME B16.34
Test-inspection:API 598
Heliumleak test:API 602
Used in boiler, turbine, power, and watersupply applications.
1. Theunique computerize simulated valve chamber design offers very low flow resistance.It will ensure maximium flow rate, low pressure drop,small torque and less energy consuption as compared with valvesof similar size.
2. Zeroemmission is guaranteed, when valve is closed.
3. Longerservice life and higher reliability
4. Abrasion and corrosionresistance.
5. No entrapped particulates.
6. Quickon/off. It takes only ≤2s for a single travel.