Wanlong Research Center
Home >About > Wanlong Research CenterWanlong Research Center was organized in2007 The Centermaintains close relationship with universities and research institutes, and is specialized in new product design, new technology application, technicalrenovation, providing solutions to end-users, tackling technical problems invalve performances.
TheCenter has obtained a number of patents of practicality. The patented product -Bellows Sealed Globe Valve has won recognition by the national authority (Seephoto). Other progresses and achivements made by the Center include
·New material development –Duplex stainless steel, Hastelloy c22, and nickel-bronzeAlloy for casting materials.
·New testing equipment development – cycle life testers and fluxmonitor devices (See photo).
The Center is strongly supported by theCompany and had been provided with all the necessary resources and financialassistance including 1.5 million budgets annually. With contribution of the Center, Wanlong isable to meet various needs of customers for new product design or engineeringsolutions.